Qare Internals
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application Gives the specifications of qare applications namely name, action, description, helplink and privilege.
commonReply Describes the error and exception messsage format for qare applications.
delegationProcess Defines the delegation message.
delegationDisplay process Defines the message to be displayed after delegation.
esdo Defines the message format to transfer xml data from one system to another.
pingDisplay This defines the message for inbox-display after a system to whom a ping message is sent.
pingProcess Defines the ping message.
pingReply Defines the reply message of a system to whom a ping message is sent.
qconfig It defines qhome configuration data.
remoteAccountActivationProcess Defines the activation process of remote account
remoteAccountProcessDelete This defines deactivation message for deactivating an remote account.
remoteAccountReply Defines reply message for active remote accounts.
responses Defines error and exception message for each response.
registrationProcess It defines registration message to register an account on remote system.
registrationReply Defines reply message after an account is registered on a remote system.
registrationAppData Defines the application message when an account is registered on remote system
userGroupsCreatePrivate It contains the data which is required to create userGroups on a system.