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Qare Plugins

Nowadays, several projects have become so complex and large that are now impossible to develop and maintain as a single monolithic block. It is necessary to divide the project in different parts, as independent as possible, so that joining the work of two teams is as easy and consistent as possible.

Plugins is used to overcome these problems in a clean and standard way. Plugins is a unit of software whose purpose is to extend the functionality of an independent application at run-time.

Plugins are a way of adding functionality to an independent application: they can be loaded and unloaded during runtime and there is no need to recompile the main application when adding a new plugin.

Creating a plugin:
Qare plugins are just a set of (WAR) files containing in webapps directory of Tomcat. Basically every popular servlet container now supports WAR files. Each WAR file contains
  1. application descriptor(data.application)
  2. respective config file
  3. respective help file in html form
  4. CSS file
  5. all the resources(.jars and .txts)
When ant utility is run, the build.xml file delets the previous war files and creates new war files of applications. Then the war files of applications invoke their respective servlet(QServlet).

We have following Plugins applications: