
By clicking the Send Message button user can send request message to the selected system from the drop down menu.

Then ping application displays the ping sent page that gives you the information that the message is sent. It gives the system name to whom the message is sent and the date and time when the message is sent. You can also delete the sent message if you desire not to send so. The delete action must be done before reciving of response message.

As soon as the response message is received the Ping Sent page is automatically updated to the Pong Received page. The pong received gives you the details of the request made. This contains the name of the system to whom request is made, the sending and receiving dateand time of the request and the time time delay that is the difference between the sending time and receiving time. Press the delete button to delete the response message. It brings you the inbox pages where you have to select the received message. Now press the delete button to delete the message from remote system.

If the pong received page is taken too much time to be displayed you can see it from the inbox entry. This gives you the status of the request made.

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