How To Delegate Privileges

With this Delegation application one can delegate privileges as per one's choice. Delegee is the person to whom the privileges are to be granted and Grantor is the person who grants the privileges to the delegee. On the delegation page one must have to give the following information:
  • System: Select the system name. It is required field.
  • Application Name: It is an optional field. One can view the delegated privileges on the basis of application name by selecting the application name from the application drop down menu.
  • Grand Grantor:This is the grantor's grantor. This is also an optional field.
  • Project Name: One has to enter the name of the project to which privileges are to be delegated. This is also optional.
  • Delegation Depth: This is a required field. It defines the permission to delegate the privileges in turn.With 0 delegation depth the delegee can not further delegate the permission. A depth of 1 implies that the permission can be directly delegated to any number of delegees, but can not then be subsequently delegated. A depth of -1 places no constraint on delegation depth.
  • Delegation Limit:This is a required field. This element specifies the maximun number of times the privilege can be delegated directly or indirectly. The minimum limit value is 1, as the delegee is also included in the count.
  • Delegation Count:It is a required field. It represents the number of times the privilege has alredy been delegated by delegee.The total number of delegations made to-date by the delegee. Initial value is 1.The delegation count of grantor autoincrements by delegation limit granted to delegee but cannot exceed the delegation limit of grantor. The grantor can delegate the privileges only if he owns that privileges on that particular system.
    Example: when the delegee grants to another user a permision with a delegation limit of 3, then the delegee's count is increased by 3. But the delegation count must not exceed the delegation limit.
  • Full Delegee Name/Begins With: Enter the full delegee name or bigining letter of the delegee name.
  • After filling up all the above fields click the Generate Selection button. It displays a new page that contains all the privileges based on the information submitted.

    Hence select privileges that has to be delegated and also select the delegee name from the drop down menu if necessary. Now click the Delegate button.

    It then redirects to the delegation display page. You can specify the refresh delay in the config file of the Delegation application to refresh the delegation page automatically. You can see the aparent changes to your deleagtion records.

    Please see also the Delegation Display application.

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